Voter Information

Am I able to vote in regards to the referendum?

Yes If:

  • You are both a U.S. Citizen and a resident of the Blue River Valley Schools district, which is Prairie and Blue River Township.

  • You will be at least 18 years of age on or before November 2024.

  • You are not currently in prison after being convicted of a crime.

  • You have lived in the precinct where you vote for at least 30 days before the election.

  • You are registered to vote.

How do I register to vote?

  • Go to the Indiana Voter Portal and apply to register to vote.

  • The deadline to register is April 8, 2024.

Where can I vote on May 7, 2024?

You can vote at any of the vote centers in Henry County listed below.

Absentee and Early Voting

Absentee and early voting starts about a month before Election Day.

Find more information, including registration information, early voting instructions, and more at the Henry County Election Website.

The Question on the Ballot

Will the referendum question to the general election after the May primary election?

No, the primary vote in May will decide whater the referendum passes or fails.

What does the ballot question mean?

The 30.74% increase represents the increase of the school's portion of the tax bill and not the overall property taxes paid by a homeowner. The referendum question calculated the average tax rate of the two taxing districts and then determined the amount paid by the average homestead in Blue River Valley Schools district.

Note: Legislature requires specific verbiage in the ballot question. The 30.74% and 24.17% do not mean your property taxes will increase that much.

How much will my property taxes increase?

Blue River Valley Schools has provided a tax calculator at the bottom of the Referendum Overview page. This is the best way to calculate your household's investment in our community.

Request More Information

Contact Superintendent Trent McCormick via phone or email.